Mark Prissel, DPM
Bilateral Hallux Valgus Correction with All-Natural, Bio-Integrative Lapidus Procedure
Surgeon: Mark A Prissel, DPM FACFAS, Board-Certified, Fellowship Trained Foot & Ankle Surgeon Education/training: Dr. Prissel is a fellowship trained foot and ankle surgeon and partner at The Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Center (OFAC), a practice devoted to multi-disciplinary foot and ankle care in Worthington, Ohio. In addition to his surgical practice, Dr. Prissel currentlyContinue reading “Bilateral Hallux Valgus Correction with All-Natural, Bio-Integrative Lapidus Procedure”
PIPJ Arthrodesis Surgical Technique with 3-Month Post-Op
PIPJ Arthrodesis Surgical Technique with 3-Month Post-Op Dr. Mark Prissel shares his surgical technique and 3-month post-operative case review for a proximal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis using the OSSIOfiber Hammertoe Fixation System. In this video: “One week follow-up shows stable, press-fit implant at the PIP joint… 3-month post-op follow-up image has mature osseous fusion,” says Dr.Continue reading “PIPJ Arthrodesis Surgical Technique with 3-Month Post-Op”